Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sorry for the wait. I know it's been a good, long while. I guess that's life, and if you can't understand then maybe you are the wrong kind of person to be following my blog. I don't mean to point out the obvious, but Norah used to just sit there as I uploaded photos, and those days are OVER!

I'm not even sure what inspired me to finally get started again. It's something I've been dreading. I think it's these changing seasons. Or, it's that the last trace of the baby in Norah is gone now, and we don't call her our Bug anymore. She's outgrown it. It's like the name needed to be boxed up with the play mat, the burp cloths, and the nursing pillow. She really is a giant, you know. Well, for a kid who weighed six pounds at birth she is. And she's smart and funny, which can bring about as many problems as smiles. Ever the lady, as she has always been. I mean its just weird when I look over and see her nurturing her babies, and I am reminded to nurture mine.

In this moment I'm learning that children come into our lives at the perfect time, just when we aren't children ourselves anymore. The world has turned a bit colder and the sadness of time sets in. We get older and things happen in life we thought only happened to the others. And just when it feels like it's too much, there's your child. The hope and the promise of her life. And it's all beautiful again.

Thanks for staying tuned. I won't promise that another hiatus from blogging isn't around the corner. But I do believe I will continue to take pictures of our Nunes as she grows and maybe of other things too. Then when the moment is right, I'll post them.


A Day of Exploration.

Listen, when you live in Berkeley, Ca. it just isn't a big deal to let you toddler play with strange artists you've never met before.

Happy 1st Birthday [HQ]

Happy 1st Birthday [HQ]

Birthday fun.

Oh Canada.


Where's Norah? Eric was supposed to bring her over in the boat. Wait for it...
Oh, there she is...
Just riding shotgun with her baby!

The best things is life don't come easy!

Two plane rides, one very long, one very short; a long and sleepy car ride; half a night in a hotel; one more very long car ride; and a windy, beautiful boat ride later... we were finally there! Norah was a rock star through it all. Worst part for her: life vest. Worst part for me: knowing this is going to happen all over again in ten days!

We're Off...

We shop, play house with our dollies, run errands, play at the park, see the City, visit the zoo, and every once in awhile if our minds, hearts and bodies are prepared we hit up Ikea! All together. Buddies. This is the part of having a daughter I was waiting for.... being girls side by side, of course. Do I really get seventeen more years of this? DEAL! Soon I know she'll be telling me all about it, all about everything, and if it weren't for the bliss of this moment at fourteen and a half months, I wouldn't be able to wait!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sunny Day

So thoughtful!

Norah loves swimming at Nonna and Papa's. I fought and fought with her to wear her sunhat. You can see who won.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bedtime routine...

Each night I try to keep Norah really busy and distracted so that she'll be able to stay awake until Daddy makes it home.  He insists.  This way he can take her for her nightly nature walk, where they touch trees, put their noses to the blooms, blow the parachutes, and watch the wind carry them away.  When she finally returns to me to hear her lullabies she smells of grass instead of baby, but it's oh so worth it... they say.


Like the goats?... not so much

Kitty, is that you?  Quit taking pictures and get me out of here, momma!